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Monday, January 9, 2012

Snow Sugared Cranberries

I've had a bag of fresh cranberries sitting in my fridge for a while, and I couldn't decide what to do with them. I went across the recipe on internet. This is how I decided to make Snow Sugared Cranberries.

2 cups of cranberries, rinsed patted dry and picked over
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 cup medium - grain sugar

Place the cranberries in a medium bowl and set aside.
Make a simple syrup by bringing the water and sugar just to a simmer in a medium saucepan. Let the syrup cool for a couple minutes and then pour it over the cranberries. If the syrup is too hot the cranberries will burst, so be careful. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, drain the cranberries and toss them with larger grained sugar until they are well coated. I only use a scoop of sugar at a time, and small batches of cranberries, so the sugar doesn't get too damp. Place the coated cranberries on a baking sheet to dry for a few hours.
Makes 2 cups of sparkling cranberries.
 Use the cranberries as an elegant garnish for pies, cakes, or puddings. I prefer just pop them in my mouth.

Turėjau maišelį spanguolių, kurios šaldytuve gulėjo dar nuo praėjusių metų...

2 puodeliai spanguolių
2 puodeliai vandens
2 puodeliai cukraus
1 puodelis smulkaus cukraus

Spanguoles nuplaukite. Cukrų sumaišykite su vandeniu ir pavirinkite, kad cukrus ištirptų. Neužvirkite. Na, o jei taip nutiks, nieko baisaus, leiskite sirupui atvėsti. Jei sirupas  bus per karštas spanguolės sutrūkinės. Atvėsusiu sirupu apipilkite spanguoles ir palikite pastovėti per naktį šaldytuve.
Kitą dieną nupilkite sirupą nuo spanguolių ir apvoliokite jas smulkiame cukruj. Apvoliotas spanguoles sudėkite and kepimo skardos ir leiskit cukrui sudžiūti.
Naudokite spanguoles pyragų, tortų ar pudingų puišimui. Man labiau patinka jas valgyti vienas.


  1. What a pretty and tasty treat!

  2. Wow these look delicious! And so elegant! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day :)
